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OSH Trainings
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How to add many OSH trainings at the same time?

From the side menu select Personal file and then the OSH trainings tab. Select the ‘Add many OSH trainings’ button at the top of the page.

Entry into health and safety training in the Personal file module.
icking on the "Add multiple OSH trainings" tab.

Download and complete the downloaded template according to the instructions in it.

Downloading template for adding many contracts, trainings etc. in the HRnest system

The file should be completed according to the instructions included in it. In the first column, put Employee logins from the HRnest system – you can check them by selecting the Organization section at the bottom of the side menu.

The Export to Excel function visible in the Organization in the upper right corner allows you to generate a file with logins in a form ready for use in the previously downloaded template.

Exporting to Excel a template with employee logins.

After completing the data, upload the template to the program using the green ‘Load’ button, visible in the Add multiple contracts, trainings and examinations section. The system will automatically add all new documents.

Loading template with data about OSH trainings.

Alternatively, you can add multiple OSH trainings by selecting the Configuration section from the side menu and then Tools.

An alternative way to add OSH training from the Organization level.

Select the Add many contracts, trainings and examinations tab.

Selecting the "Add many contracts, training and examinations" tab.

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