The days off calendar is used by the HRnest system to automatically count vacation days when issuing holiday requests. It contains a list of days off (e.g. Saturdays, Sundays, Public holidays) for a given employee in a given year. The system allows you to create many types of calendars and assign them to selected employees.
Step 1
To change the days off in a given year, select the Configuration section from the side menu, and then the Days off calendar tile. On the left is a list of employees with their associated holiday calendars. The list of calendars is on the right. To change the assignment of a calendar to an employee, select the employee / employees from the list and the correct calendar and press the ‘Save’ button.
Step 2
On the left is a list of employees with their associated calendars. The list of Days off calendars is on the right. To change the assignment of a calendar to an employee, select the employee / employees from the list and the correct calendar and press the ‘Save’ button.
Step 3
Details of a given calendar and the option of editing it are available after clicking the ‘Details’ button next to the name of the calendar. Holidays are marked in blue – they can be added / removed by clicking on a given day on the calendar or using the available options listed above the calendar.