Step 1
Select the Organization section from the side menu and then go to the employee details by clicking the green magnifying glass.

Step 2
In the Leave section, select the Leave limits tab and click ‘Add annual leave limit’.

Step 3
Fill in the form. The ‘Date from’ field is the date from which the indicated limit is to apply. For the year-round limit, enter 01.01.YYYY. Enter the calculated dimension in the ‘Annual leave limit’ field – you can calculate the amount by multiplying the working time by the base number of vacation days that employees in your country will receive, e.g. 26. And so, for an employee who works for 7/8 time, we perform the following action: 7/8 x 26 = 22.75

After completing the form, select the ‘Add’ button. The new limit will be visible on the employee’s profile. Here you can edit it or delete it as needed.